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Expiry on MAR 2026

Nutrition for the Elderly with diabetic

Appeton Wellness 60+ Diabetic is the first and only complete, balanced nutritional food, specially formulated for seniors 60+ who are either diabetic or pre-diabetic. It is also suitable for those with diabetic complications such as hypertension, cardiovascular disease and diabetic nephropathy.

Appeton Wellness 60+ Diabetic meets the international guidelines set by:

  • The American Association of Kidney Patients
  • The American Diabetes Association
  • The American Heart Association
  • Diabetes UK

Who is recommended to take Appeton Wellness 60+ Diabetic?

  • Diabetic
  • Pre-diabetic
  • Diabetic with other complications (e.g. decrease kidney functions, high blood pressure & heart problems)
  • Age Group: Seniors with diabetic or pre-diabetic

Direction for Use

Preparation method:
For one serving, mix 200ml of warm water with 5 levelled scoops of Appeton Wellness 60+ Diabetic (53.2g).

  • As dietary supplement (oral use):
    2-3 servings per day. Suitable for pre-diabetic and diabetic seniors who need additional nutritional intake.
  • As meal replacement (oral use):
    6 servings per day or follow physician’s and dietitian’s directions.
    Suitable for those who depend fully on oral nutritional supplement.
  • As meal replacement (tube feeding): Follow physician’s and dietician’s advice. The flow rate, volume and dilution depend on the patient’s condition and physiological tolerance.